About Us
Heart On Your Sleeve is literally wearing your heart on your sleeve, but not exactly. Not in that completely vulnerable-emotion-filled-careless way we often interpret this phrase. Heart On Your Sleeve is truth expressed and uncensored. It's the story of our lives – bold and determined. It's today’s pitfall and tomorrows peak. It's the big and the small, because every single moment matters and every life has a story. Your story is waiting to be told. Your heart is ready to share. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is about daring to be free and living in truth. It's not just a t-shirt or a witty saying. It is about all that is simple and uncomplicated. It is about love. Heart on Your Sleeve is about sharing love.
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39
Meet the Owner

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, writer, artist, chef (to my kids), boss, servant, conqueror and so much more. I don't like labels or boxes because they are confining and we're so much larger than what a few tiny words say about us. Words can also limit our belief in what we can do for ourselves. We are so much more and we can do so much more than we think. The greatest command is that we should love God with all our hearts, but the second and equally important command is to love your neighbor as yourself. (Mathew 22:37-39) This is how I choose to live. I don’t do it perfectly, I’m human. I often don’t even do it well, but I strive to walk-the-walk in faith, which means taking each step, each moment of my journey with Him leading and guiding the way.
God gives us all gifts. My name, Angele, means messenger of God. Even as a very young child I would think about God often and speak to Him. I would write poems and stories that I was too afraid to share. I kept my heart and its dreams and passions, those fires God had implanted within me, to myself. Who was I to tell other people what they should do? I let attacks of the enemy allow me to believe I couldn’t do what God had already predestined. But God never gave up on me. He kept whispering to my heart and my soul. He kept telling me to share His love with His children in a fresh and new way – a way, uncomplicated and simple. Because of my experience with God and His word, I am convinced that everything begins and ends with love. For God is love… simply, beautifully and beautifully, simple.
I hope and pray that you can experience God’s love beautifully and simply each and every day no matter what life is throwing at you.
Angele Boutte